The Stellar Cloud: Ground Units in Takamo Universe – 09/04/2014

What will the ground units be like in Takamo Universe? In the original game, ground units were divided into three groups, Marine Units (MUs), Heavy Marine Units (HMUs), and Guerrilla Units (GUs). The number and types of units will be expanded in the new game to include various types of sub units that can be formed into larger formations, which have been preliminarily designated as Military Units (MUs).

Players will choose predesigned types of Military Units that have a default strength as they start their empires. As they progress, they will be able to build sub units; such as, Colonial Infantry, Orbital Jump Troops, Regular Infantry Artillery and Armor. These sub units can then be combined to design new Military Unit formations.

Certain sub units may only be paired with others of the same class. For example,
Orbital Jump Infantry may only be paired with other Orbital Jump types. Other classes of units may be paired more liberally; such as, Armor with Infantry and Artillery. Players might build a Military Unit type that has 2 Armor sub units and one Regular Infantry sub unit, or perhaps an Armor unit, a Regular Infantry unit and an Artillery unit.

Guerrilla Units (GU) will be constructed via a random generation selection program. The player empire may choose to pay for the recruitment of GUs on a specific world or may pay someone to land mercenary GUs. They may also be generated by adverse conditions on a planet. No matter how they come into being, the composition of the GU military units will be determined by random generation.

Players will be able to see the types of sub units they are using to design the Military Unit. This is one of the few instances where players will get a view of how the troop types look.

So what does this mean for players?

In Takamo Universe, the composition and strength of ground units will be determined by player design, tec level and tec advances specific to the troop type. Specialized units built for particular purposes will be determined by the players. Like star ship design, the equipment and composition of ground units is in the hands of the players.

The illustration below is an example of a Guerrilla sub unit in the game.


Note that Guerrilla units are low tec. Unless they have overwhelming numbers, they will have difficulty holding their own against the far more advanced regular infantry of most empires.

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