Q&A archived forum posts - up to August 15, 2014

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Q&A archived forum posts - up to August 15, 2014

Postby vemlich » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:37 pm

• August 7, 2014 at 6:49 pm#2493EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

so when can I buy or build my fleet of boxers
• August 7, 2014 at 6:59 pm#2496EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

R. Ritnour
When Takamo Universe Beta comes online. Stay tuned…
• August 5, 2014 at 7:36 pm#2438EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

When ftrs are launched from a carrier against a target (fleet or planet), do they get the benefit of the carrier TEC or the overall civ TEC?
o August 5, 2014 at 7:53 pm#2440EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
It is based on tech level of lowest TL carrier in the fleet.
o August 5, 2014 at 7:52 pm#2439EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Fighters launched from a fleet are at the tech level of the lowest tech carrier in the fleet. For fighters leaving from a planet, it is the tech level of the planet, unless you have a higher level Military Base there.
• August 5, 2014 at 4:47 am#2437EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Cestodial Hegemony
Thank you, Soelien-Twa. That worked!
• August 3, 2014 at 10:50 am#2425EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Cestodial Hegemony
I keep seeing that new posts are being added to this thread, but I am unable to see past reply #2199. Where is the “Next Page” thingie to click?
o August 4, 2014 at 11:17 am#2432EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

This is a problem with some of the Forum threads where the most recent posts are not appearing at the bottom. Check the date stamp on the top left corner of each post to find the most recent (usually the fourth from the bottom). There is no next page, they are all on the same page.
 This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by .
• August 2, 2014 at 1:11 pm#2423EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

You were using the name of the ship which is Incorrect, you have to use the build code, which for the explorer is: 1
Action code/ Fleet #1/ Build Code/ Fleet #2/ Spec #
135 1 1 5 1
Fleet 1 is the fleet transferring FROM
Fleet 2 is the fleet transferring TO
Spec # is the amount of ships to transfer
and BUILD CODE is the build code of the ships when you built them. If they are explorers the build code is 1, if they are scouts the build code is 2.
• August 2, 2014 at 12:17 pm#2421EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I don’t see the build code of the ship or ships transferring, I’ve used this code and it does work.
o August 2, 2014 at 12:31 pm#2422EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Expl which is what I named the ships did I need to add the number as well i.e. expl1 or is it expl01 .
• August 2, 2014 at 12:10 pm#2419EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

what went wrong? on this last turn I tried to transfer a ship out of a fleet and establish a new fleet. I used AC135 flt#1 from fleet e/sn expl flt#2 to flt spc#1
on the previous turn I had built 10 expl’s for flt#1.
• August 2, 2014 at 11:21 am#2418EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

10 Colony Bases on a Gas Giant
• August 2, 2014 at 10:23 am#2417EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

How many colony bases can I put on a gas giant is it only one or is it 10?
• August 1, 2014 at 11:20 pm#2404EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Nationalization. I read the rulebook and shows nationalization of MCs, TCs, and ACs go to planetary owner. I thought back in the day nationalization of these centers meant unless you were the same type you lost everything that was not corporation specific. ie. If an ICB nationalized he would lose the AC and TC and the extra MCs provided by the Mining Corp (as well as the corresponding PCs). If a Mining Corp nationalized he would only lose the TC and AC. So I went back to the old Baxel Rulebook and the wording was the same. Am I imagining that? If I am could we look at it for Universe? Rationalization was that no-one would want to be a TC or AC if every player just nationalized their industries. They would have next to no non-action income.
o August 2, 2014 at 9:37 am#2416EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
The only thing that a person would lose if they nationalized is the extra MC’s (and the PC’s that were supported by those MC’s). However word would get out, and soon no self-respecting corp would deal with the offender. The corporations could also do missile strikes on the nationalized centers.
So it is a potential big loss for little gain. Of course nationalizing NPC installations come with little risk at the moment…
 August 4, 2014 at 12:24 pm#2435EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

This game is essentially about income per action. The best way to earn income is non action income. Build a huge empire and for corporations have installations on foreign worlds. I’m not that worried about miners as the extra PCs, the larger ships, and the cheaper MCs guarantee there will always be a demand for Mining Corps. Ag Corps and Trade Corps not as much, and they don’t make as much from foreign installations. I’m just saying in order to restore balance it would be good to have those centers destroyed on nationalization unless the nationalizer was an Ag or Trade Corp.
As for the missile strike scenario. I try to compensate people doing something for me at 1000RUs per action. Because on actionable income that is the average I make (sorta). So, to build missile ships, load them, jump to the planet, perform the missile strike (past any defenses), and jump back to safe space you are probably looking at 6 or so actions minimum. So between lost income for those actions (6000RUs) plus the cost of the ships and missiles (enough to counter defenses) say 2000RUs means it will essentially cost you 8000RUs to take out an installation (we will say trade) that generates 4RUs per PC per turn (say a decent world so 400RUs/turn). So it will take the nationalizer 20 turns to feel the same “hit” that you are going to feel doing the strikes. It’s actually a worse hit for you because you don’t have that 8000 to invest in your economy for those 20 turns whereas the nationalizer doesn’t take the full hit right away so does have the RUs to re-invest.
I’m not saying don’t missile strike him, I’m saying strike him where it hurts. Hit his MCs so he has to replace the MCs and the PCs and the Trade Center makes less money because there are not as many PCs. Also if the world is a crappy world to begin with, hit one of his money making worlds that he didn’t nationalize your centers on.
• July 31, 2014 at 10:34 am#2386EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Foreign Aid
“If you land a PC ship on a world that has no PCs, the new PC belongs to the planet owner, not you. You can build additional PCs directly on the world but they are owned by the planet owner, not you.”
Ok. This goes directly opposite to the rulebook which says “You must own the planet, but not necessarily the MCs to build PCs.”
So given that someone else can build my PCs… If the world is out of my H/R, but in my Ally’s H/R, once the original PC is installed he can build up to the planetary max on one action whereas I would have to build 1 per action? Because “There is no limit to how many MCs and PCs may be built in one action (up to the limit of the planet) unless the planet is out of your habitat range. Then the limit is one per action.” Unless that has all changed as well?
o July 31, 2014 at 11:24 am#2389EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

The rulebook in this case is wrong. You do not have to own the planet to build PC’s on it. Foreign aid was added after the first rulebook and nobody noticed and corrected the original rule. Now as to habitat range for foreign aid. If a player who’s habitat range matches the planet he is sending foreign aid to then he can build as many PC’s in one action as he can afford.
• July 30, 2014 at 10:40 am#2383EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Can torpedoes be built on non-terraformed worlds if forts are present?
o July 30, 2014 at 4:06 pm#2385EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

No. Torpedoes may not be built on a world just because there are forts present. I believe a planet must be terraformed or the equivalent such as a nomad platform.
• July 27, 2014 at 3:10 pm#2377EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

thanks Charon for the reply. I do remember reading that, but I’ve found that occasionally there is some deviation between the rule book and the actual orders. I like to make sure when possible.
• July 26, 2014 at 9:41 pm#2376EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I could be wrong, but I didn’t think you could raise your aggression level above your homeworld aggression level. You can lower it by 30 then raise it back up 30 to your normal aggression level, but again I don’t think you can raise it above your agg lvl. This is from the rule book:
Fleet’s aggression level may not be lowered more than thirty points below, nor raised above, your species’ normal (Home
world) level.
• July 26, 2014 at 9:13 pm#2375EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

thanks Thom, Just so I understand this correctly, regardless of whether I want to raise or lower my aggression level, I put the level I want the fleet to be? If I start at 40 for example and I want it to be 60, I put in AC#21, location if applicable, the fleet in question (flt#1) and ’60′ in the special number. If I want to go to 20, the I follow the same syntax and put ’20′ in the special number. correct?
If your civ aggression is say 50, I’m assuming you can raise it to 80 as well as lowering it to 20!?
o July 28, 2014 at 12:03 pm#2378EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

<strong>A fleets aggression level can never be raised above your empire’s aggression level but it can be lowered by 30 points. If you want to lower a fleet use action code 21, location #1, Fleet #1, Spec #. The fleet will lower it’s aggression level and then move to the location. So if your empire’s aggression level is 65 you can lower it by as much as 30 points, so you would put 35 in the spec #. The result is how long that fleet will fight before retreating, i.e. taking 35% losses, and a less likely chance they will trigger a fight with another alien fleet or planet.
• July 25, 2014 at 8:23 pm#2360EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

A couple questions,
1) I thought I saw where you could scrap ships/fleets with a 255 command, but quite possibly misread it. What is the order syntax for scrapping ships/fleets?
2) Rules state that you can raise or lower your aggression level by up to 30. How do you raise it using one order? I know a work around, but that usually requires an additional order.
thx in advance
o July 25, 2014 at 8:34 pm#2361EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

1) I thought I saw where you could scrap ships/fleets with a 255 command, but quite possibly misread it. What is the order syntax for scrapping ships/fleets? Action code is 255. Location #1 is a planet you own where you have a shipyard. Fleet #1 is the fleet you want to scrap. All ships will be scrapped in the fleet. You’ll get an RU payment for the ships from the planet.
2) Rules state that you can raise or lower your aggression level by up to 30. How do you raise it using one order? I know a work around, but that usually requires an additional order. Action code is 21. Location #1 is the location you want to move the fleet to after the aggression level is lowered. You can leave this blank in which case the fleet will not move. Fleet Number 1 is the fleet. Put the new aggression level in the special number. Note if you want to lower your aggression level of one of your fleets down 30% which is the maximum for an empire who’s aggression level is 65 put 35 in the special number slot.
• July 14, 2014 at 3:31 pm#2250EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Terraforming after Tramp Mining a colony world – Is this possible/practible on the same turn?
o July 14, 2014 at 5:20 pm#2251EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Yes you may tramp mine a colony world and then terraform it in the same turn as long as you do it in that order.
• July 14, 2014 at 3:29 pm#2249EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Marine Unit Invasion – If I am invading a size 6 world with 5000+ MUs on it can I send 2400 MUs at once or do I have to send them in waves of 600 (as player empires can only have 100*planetary size MUs on a planet)?
o July 14, 2014 at 5:23 pm#2252EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

All invading troops invade in waves of 100 x planet size regardless of how many you commit to the attack. The number of troops you indicate will invade is the limit on how many you want to use. But they still attack in waves of 100 x planet size till the number is equaled or exceeded.
• July 11, 2014 at 9:37 pm#2220EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Yes, I try to keep carriers in subsector space and use them for offensive purposes. But, if you have a few in your invasion fleet with CAP up they will attack incoming fighters from the planet surface.
• July 11, 2014 at 2:24 am#2211EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Fighters on Carriers
If you have 20 fighters on the deck and 20 fighters on CAP. If my fighters attack and destroy the 20 CAP and go on to attack the fleet, if your carriers and capital ships survive the attack, the 20 fighters on the deck will follow me back to my fleet and be destroyed by my CAP.
If I destroy your carriers and capital ships, the fighters on the deck are lost.
If I attack your fleet with 50 Battlestars, straight up ship to ship combat, your fighters sit on the deck and are destroyed.
o July 11, 2014 at 1:09 pm#2212EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Ok, I see. So, just to make sure I am clear.
Two fleets engage each other and they both have fighters on carriers. If both fleets survive the engagement and have fighters that are on dec, the fighters automatically launch a follow up strike against the other fleet, then if either fleet has CAP that helps protect against the follow up fighter strike?
CAP protects the fleet from fighter strikes from surviving fighters on dec after a fleet engagement + fighters that engage it from other sources too, like a planet based fighter attack or a fighter strike from carriers in deep space. Is that correct as well?
Thanks again!
• July 11, 2014 at 1:32 am#2210EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I have a question regarding fighters on carriers. I know there are a lot of different things they are capable of doing, but one thing that doesn’t seem clear is what fighters do if the fleet is engaged by another fleet and they are not on CAP.
Say I have a couple of basic carriers with 20 fighter each for a total of 40 fighters in the fleet. I assign 20 to CAP. If the fleet is engaged in combat, do the 20 that are not on CAP strike the opposing fleet?
o July 11, 2014 at 5:22 pm#2218EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

If your fleet contains carriers with fighters on deck and on cap they do nothing during the fleet engagement. Rule of thumb is never let your carriers become engaged by another fleet in close combat. They are an offensive weapon and relatively ineffective as a defensive weapon.
• July 10, 2014 at 7:11 pm#2200EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Well if you try to jump to a hyperspacerift.
You might get mentioned
• July 10, 2014 at 6:28 pm#2197EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I was curious if the random intel reports from the old PBM version are still a part of the game? Those coveted bits of paper that you received with a turn on occasion, describing the activities of PC’s & NPC’s in the galaxy.
I remember as a general rule back then, you never, ever, ever scanned anything in your home sector for fear of generating those damning reports on yourself.
Anyone know if they’re still a part of the game?
o July 10, 2014 at 8:55 pm#2202EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
The so-called “captured documents” no longer exist in this game. At best, you should continue to read the Rumors forum.
• July 9, 2014 at 11:05 pm#2179EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Just remember, other than issuing Build POP, tax, sell/buy, and build MUs, in that order, everything else you issue is sequential. So, if you build an explorer in action #31, you can move and scan with that explorer in Action #32. You can swap back and forth between planets and fleets etc. issuing actions With the exceptions mentioned above, there is really no restrictions on what order you do you actions. Good luck!
• July 9, 2014 at 8:26 pm#2177EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

The Company
Ok thank you
o July 9, 2014 at 10:21 pm#2178EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

good luck may your first turn be a prosperous one.
• July 7, 2014 at 2:38 am#2160EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

If you have the ru’s to spare this early, which I doubt you do. You should only re-tool your planets 1 tec level per action it only cost 150 ru’s. Later on in the game you’ll find it more efficient to raise 3 or 5 levels per action, you’ll spend the ru’s, but who care’s when your making 50,000 ru’s a turn.
1) Raise Tec
2) Re-Tool Planet A cost of re-tool 150 ru’s
3) Re-Tool Planet A cost of re-tool 150 ru’s
4) Re-Tool Planet B cost of re-tool 150 ru’s
5) Re-Tool Planet B cost of re-tool 150 ru’s
Then repeat the same actions if your raising tec again, or wait until the next turn. OR, if you know someone who is playing they could raise your planets tec level for you. They might do it for free, but sell you the build codes for the higher tec ships. Me, I’ll do it for free just let me know where your at.
• July 7, 2014 at 12:01 am#2157EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

OK, before you raise the tec lvl of your planet, you need to first do action code 4. Raise overall tec lvl, then you can re-tool your planets to the tec lvl you raised. I.E. If your tec 10 and you do action code 4 two times, now you are tec 12. Now re-tool each planet to tec 12, I do level at a time, cost less.
Contact me at: charon22@hughes.net
• July 6, 2014 at 11:50 pm#2156EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

The Company
I will have many questions so when someone is ready take me under wing please let me know. Until then….the Forumns.
If I raise my tech on one of my planets can I then retool all of my planets to that new tech lvl or does each planet have its own tech lvl? Sorry, but this is my first turn.
o July 7, 2014 at 6:55 am#2161EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

You do it the way you want, however, remember you currently are the only one that knows where your at?
What race are you? I am a trader. Read introduce yourself and maybe you can figure out what other people are. I mean no offense to anyone out there.
o July 7, 2014 at 12:51 am#2158EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

the rules indicate you can retool al planets you own you only have 50 actions I suggest you raise your tec level twice this first turn this will cost 3059 RUs. then retool the three terra formed worlds you have as these are the only places you can build(this will cost 600 RUs each). Remember this pattern;POP, Tax, Sell, Buy, Build. It is my understanding these things must happen in this sequence on your worlds. these can only happen once per world, per player, per turn. Your first actions should be (assuming your worlds started with max pop(size x 13) taxing all your worlds at least until you build a self efficient empire. tax no more than 19%. to avoid an uprising. then raise your tec lvls retool build an extra shipyard build 10 or more explorers use planetary probes to probe all the planets you don’t own. scan stars and subsectors with your explorers use sector probes to scan sectors around your sector. hopefully turn two you can start colonizing planets around you. I hope this helps.
you can reach me at williamgolsonjr@att.net
• July 6, 2014 at 9:41 pm#2154EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Do you find yourself filling out your turn and all of a sudden you’ve used up all of your actions? If I just had a few more I could probe just a few more planets and finish up that system.
How about we all take a vote and just go to 60 Actions? Hmm, come on you know you want to…Of course Randy the great and all powerful has the final say, but merchant trade eats up a lot of actions, and I’m greedy.
o July 7, 2014 at 12:55 am#2159EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

that’s sounds nice on the surface why not 100 actions :). However I imagine we will always need more it makes one learn to be efficient and focused. I will sign the petition for sixty though. I also want to thank randy and the rest of the Takamo staff for bringing this game to us.
• July 6, 2014 at 1:08 am#2143EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

• July 4, 2014 at 6:30 pm#2131EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I can actually give you some information on the NPCs. My alliance has been doing a lot of data collection on a lot of subjects and we have found out quite a bit. Keep in mind that the information is based on our info sample and is limited on what that sample contains. This does not contain the unknown NPC worlds that destroyed or chased off ships and probes which probably equals 60-70% of the total NPCs identified. Out of 70 NPC planets actually identified, 1% were ancient civilizations, 3% were pirate havens, 16% were colonies, 31% were terraformed and 48% were unterraformed. Of course it is possible that the ones that were doing all the shooting were the most developed (They certainly had the highest aggression levels). But it does give you an idea of what is out there…
I add scouts with virtually all my fleets, including those fleets that colonize, drop Ag centers and do trading. Any fleet going any distance is bound too pass through some space, and it is always nice too pick up a little extra scan… After all, you have too build the fleet anyway, and it is only one extra action. After ward you have the scout forever. (sometimes having the scout forever is kind of a pain in a fleet going one way but you can compensate).
• July 4, 2014 at 5:07 pm#2129EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I recently deposited trade centers on a
Npc world and the fleet reported there
No ships with scanning capabilities in the fleet.
Does this mean I should include one on my next trip.
That I will get to scan passively while
Trading? Will the aliens attack and likely destroy my trading fleet for invading their privacy?
o August 2, 2014 at 3:54 pm#2424EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Sorry for the late reply. It may be possible, as I added a scout to my invasion fleet after getting the same message and now I get a passive scan right before I invade.
• July 4, 2014 at 5:05 pm#2128EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I recently deposited trade centers on a
Npc world and the fleet reported there
No ships with scanning capabilities in the fleet.
Does this mean I should include one on my next trip.
That I will get to scan passively while
Trading? Will the aliens attack and likely destroy my trading fleet for invading their privacy?
• June 26, 2014 at 3:56 pm#2062EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

R. Ritnour
The specs for the player appreciation ships are listed below:
Battle Cruiser 2,200 22 BC2
(Class 2)
Heavy TransporT 600 1 HTRN
BATTLECRUISER 2 – Standard Warship.
HEAVY TRANSPORT – Larger, armed version of the Transport. 100 MU capacity
In the first round of ship builds I did not name the vessels. Whenever a ship is not named in the ship build action, the program defaults to the ship class and gives it thate class name. So, all Heavy Transports are named HTRN and all Battlecuiser 2 are named BCA2.
All of the player appreciation ships were built as Tec Level 30 ships so the HTRNs you have in the fleets have a firepower/defense value of 30 each (the equivalent of a Tec 11 Corvette. The BCA2 have a firepower/defense value of 660 each.
• June 25, 2014 at 2:27 am#2058EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Would anyone have a problem with Charon Empire receiving 10 BCA2′s and 2 HTRNS, and my planet was left at tec 20? Didn’t think so…thanks
o June 25, 2014 at 2:51 am#2059EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

R. Ritnour
Not… =)
• June 24, 2014 at 11:54 pm#2042EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Another mechanics question;
I have fleet #1 with a ship that has an aggression rating of 40 at xxx12121. My civ aggression level is 70.
I build 5 more ships and assign them, with the build order, to fleet #1. Do all ships in fleet #1 have aggression level of 40 or 70? I would think 40, but I take nothing for granted! thx in advance
o June 25, 2014 at 1:36 am#2056EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
I know that when you build a fleet of ships, then assign an aggression level, and then divide the fleet out into new fleets, that the new fleets will have the same agression level as the original fleet.
Therefore what you are saying makes sense. You have not changed the agression level of the fleet, so it remains 40.
 June 25, 2014 at 1:48 am#2057EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

R. Ritnour
Yes, it is the aggression level of the fleet that is tracked, not individual ships.
• June 22, 2014 at 2:41 am#2026EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

thanks for the help. I knew it asked for the quantity in the SP# column, but wasn’t sure it was to fill up one probe ship or to bring a probe ship up to full load. Good to know that I can load 25 probes onto a fleet with 5 probe ships in its makeup. Now if I want to transfer 3 of those probe ships to a new fleet, does the requisite number of probes automatically go with it? I would think so as the transferring fleet wouldn’t have cargo capacity for them, but one never knows exactly how they want the order listed.
o June 22, 2014 at 4:37 am#2027EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

R. Ritnour
Yes, the probes go with the probe ship they are on when they merge out to another fleet.
• June 22, 2014 at 2:28 am#2025EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

You can max out all the probes to the fleet by indicating how many probes you want to load in one action.
• June 22, 2014 at 12:12 am#2022EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

When loading probes onto probe ships, can I load all the probes needed to fill the probe ships if they are all in the same fleet? If Fleet 1 has 3 probe ships, can I load 15 probes in that one order to fleet 1 and fill all 3 probe ships?
o June 22, 2014 at 12:17 am#2024EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
I know that the load Probe ship AC code uses the special field to determine how many probes to load, so I would assume you can do it that way. Hopefully Thom will chime in and confirm what I said.
• June 17, 2014 at 5:50 pm#1959EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Updated the input page today by adding a Green button that will check your turn for action code errors. Whenever you like you can click on the button and it will check all actions entered up to that point. If it finds a box that you forgot to fill out the box turns red. If it finds an optional box that you didn’t fill out it turns green. You can just put in the action code and click the button in which case it will show you the boxes you need to fill out to complete the action. Good if you don’t really know which boxes you need to fill out and which ones you don’t. Remember green boxes are optional boxes and don’t need to be filled out to make the action work. However they do provide additional abilities to some action codes. For instance the build (3) action code. You’ll find that the Fleet #1 box, the Empire/Ship Name box, and the Special Number box turns green while the Location #1, Quantity, and Build Code Box all turn red. The green boxes only need to be filled out if you are building a ship.
One word of caution. Even though I tested each and every action code to make sure the right boxes were highlighted there is no guarantee that I got every one right so check yourself if you think one is not quite right and let me know if you find an error.
o June 18, 2014 at 4:16 am#1969EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Action code 25 Merge Your Own Fleets prompts for location#1 with the green button though the rulebook does not?
 June 20, 2014 at 6:45 am#2011EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Correct. Not necessary but it was changed to a move and do last game. So you fleet will move to the new location before the merge thus possibly saving you an action if the two fleets are in different locations. If they are in the same spot you don’t need to put in the location.
• June 16, 2014 at 8:46 pm#1945EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I have the best mining fleet in the galaxy, and I’m unable to get cargo off an unterraformed planet! I think a miner should only be able to get cargo off a terraformed worlds MP. Or at least allow a Cyber to mine unterraformed planets for the size times mining potential.
o June 20, 2014 at 7:04 am#2012EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Yes. Cybers could cyber trade an unterraformed world but that was added after Randy sold the game. However that was never part of the original design. Another one of the things we found when Randy bought the game back that really messed up the balance of the games and also was rather non-interactive. Cybers found it much more productive to blow up unterraformed worlds rather than occupied worlds. And who could blame them. But boring. As far as miners only being able to tramp mine terraformed worlds. Probably not.
• June 15, 2014 at 8:51 pm#1937EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

OK there have been a number of changes to the miner in the last 20 years and it’s taking a while to play catch up.
TRAMP MINING. I built my shiny new tramp mining fleets and on turn two went to my appropriate colonies and attempted to tramp mine five colonies collecting zero ore units on each colony and because I had sell actions as well there was a nice waste of 10 actions not including the build and aggression actions. So 14 actions and an investment of 6750 RUs net me 0 RUs in return for turn two.
Learning from my mistake I sent my two tramp mining fleets out once again on Turn 3. However with just one planet each to mine and no sell actions. On an MP 12 world 12 Ore units were collected (The fleet was able to hold 120). On the MP 15 world 15 Ore units were collected (The fleet was able to hold 150). The captain of each fleet said “I received orders to tramp mine, but not how much cargo to load. So I loaded as much as I could. Signed The Captain.” Seeing this I dutifully checked the rulebook and my setup and it said for each only the Action, Location#1, and Fleet#1 boxes were to be filled for the Tramp Mining Action. My questions are thus:
Has the tramp mining action requirements changed (ie Special# box added)?
If you can control the number of Ore units gathered will it not affect the planet if there are more Tramp Mining Ships in the fleet than the MP as long as you don’t collect more than 10 Ore units * the MP?
In Baxel you were able to collect 10 Ore units per MP. Sending a tramp mining fleet out to a MP 12 planet to collect 12 ore units isn’t an efficient use of actions. Does the number of available units increase to the MP*10 and if so how soon?
I know one of the other miners is getting 10*MP Ore units per tramp action so I presume it will go up but some documentation might be nice on this. Thanks
o June 16, 2014 at 4:00 am#1942EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

The tramp mining was changed sometime during the time when Randy didn’t own the game and not for the better, well better if you were a miner. The game code was changed in the late 80′s where tramp mining was increased to 40 times the mining potential of a planet which severely unbalanced the game. When Randy bought the game back some changes were made to bring the game back to where it was originally designed. So having said that here’s the way it works now. How close it was to the original code is unknown as none could not be found.
Tramp mining will net cargo equal to the MPOT of the planet. However a player can intentionally mine more by typing in a number higher than the MPOT of the planet. However this risks strip mining the planet which will reduce the MPOT and change the status to strip mined which makes it played out so to speak for further tramp mining. Still can be done but at a much reduced cargo rate. For every cargo a tramp miner typed into the special number slot above the MPOT of the planet increases the odds of strip mining the planet by a couple percent give or take. But you don’t have to type anything in the special number. If you leave it blank the fleet will load the MPOT of the planet for you. In the code we inherited a tramp miner could unintentionally strip mine a planet as the fleet would load to capacity and if it was over the safe limit it automatically reduced the planet to strip mined status. So a tramp mining fleet was a nightmare to manage to avoid strip mining every planet you came across or just have a really small tramp mining fleet.
But if you want to find a good source of cargo for tramp mining find asteroid belts. They net 10 times the MPOT as a base even without attempting to over mine it. So probably what the other miner is doing.
 This reply was modified 2 months ago by .
 June 16, 2014 at 8:53 am#1944EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Cool. That makes a lot more sense and at least I can plan a turn. Any idea why on turn 2 both fleets would have collected zero ore units though as that does not fit into the model above? Also any chance of getting the documentation changed as that still states that strip mining is dependant on the number of ships tramp mining, whereas 2 ships (20 cargo capacity) can handle the ore safely gathered from any known world(barring asteroids). I think the cap of 80 units sold per terraformed world per turn was nerf enough but maybe that’s just me defending miners:-)
• June 8, 2014 at 6:40 pm#1864EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Also, while waiting on further answers regarding ancient Civs, I have a question on colonies.
I read the FAQ and wanted to make sure I understand how to maximize colony production.
Can only Cybers benefit from MU’s increasing the colonies production?
For everyone else you have to shuttle POP to the colony and max it before it produces at it’s highest potential?
o June 8, 2014 at 9:44 pm#1874EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Can only Cybers benefit from MU’s increasing the colonies production? Yes, MU’s act like POP in some cases for Cybers.
For everyone else you have to shuttle POP to the colony and max it before it produces at it’s highest potential? Yes this is correct. Max POP on the planet gains you the best buy and sell for cargo.
• June 8, 2014 at 1:14 am#1851EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I have a question about Ancient Civs.
When you scan an Ancient Civ you have found and get something from it, say a sector map, is that the only thing you receive? Would further scans turn up any further benefits?
Also, if you conquer an Ancient Civ can you scan it afterward with action 24 if you have not done so already.
Any other play info on Ancient Civs would be appreciated as well.
o June 8, 2014 at 9:39 pm#1872EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

When you scan an Ancient Civ you have found and get something from it, say a sector map, is that the only thing you receive? Would further scans turn up any further benefits? Yes further scans will give you other sector maps. Plus the best benefit is tec level raises. You have to be within about 5 tec levels of the AC to get a tec raise. Plus if the AC gives you a Map of the same sector it’s every time then move on. It’s pretty much the only thing it will give you. But scan it 3 or 4 times just to make sure. The likelihood of giving you a map of the sector it’s in is good but by no means conclusive.
Also, if you conquer an Ancient Civ can you scan it afterward with action 24 if you have not done so already. Yes, you can continue to scan it.
Any other play info on Ancient Civs would be appreciated as well. If you conquer a high tec level AC you can build high tec level ships there if it has a shipyard.
o June 8, 2014 at 2:36 pm#1858EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Another question for Thom. I would like to know as well. Can a non-trade corp trade with Ancient Civs?
 June 8, 2014 at 9:42 pm#1873EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Another question for Thom. I would like to know as well. Can a non-trade corp trade with Ancient Civs? If you own it then yes you can trade with it. If you don’t then you cannot. Trade corps are the only player type that can trade with non-owned planets at the present time.
• June 4, 2014 at 12:02 am#1778EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Just so I understand overhaul correctly, if I overhaul a corvette class 1, pay the difference in cost, it becomes a corvette class 2 at the current TEC level of the planet it is at? If so, I guess it works the same for all class ships? Or does it only raise the TEC level of the ship and not the class?
An additional question. I’m assuming you could overhaul a transport, starliner, freighter etc. if it was loaded!?
o June 4, 2014 at 12:20 am#1780EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
No, a Corvette 1 remains a Corvette 1. Overhauling will change a TL11 Corvette 1 (33 firepower) to a TL 16 Corvette 1 (48 firepower) assuming you had a TL 16 planet to overhaul it with. So only the TL changes. Overahuling does not affect contents of a ship.
• June 3, 2014 at 9:15 pm#1768EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

How about an action code to transfer ownership of a planet to another player?
o June 5, 2014 at 3:52 am#1803EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Working on it. Other things have priority but on the list.
o June 3, 2014 at 10:07 pm#1771EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
I think a lot of people would like that, but I do not know how much it would take to implement. Sounds like a Thom question.
• June 3, 2014 at 9:12 pm#1766EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

QUESTION, Can a default 15% be added into the program for taxing, that way if a player forgets to put in the % for taxation, you can at least get some income, without loosing the action?
o June 5, 2014 at 3:51 am#1802EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I hesitate to put any particular tax rate in the number if one is missing. Different stats on the planet determine how likely the planet is to revolt. But I’ll see what I can do.
o June 3, 2014 at 10:04 pm#1770EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Sounds like a winner to me. Thom, Randy? This would be like having at least 1 ship being built that was implemented a few weeks ago…
o June 3, 2014 at 9:14 pm#1767EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Fighter attack from the planet, or fleet, will do it…
• June 3, 2014 at 3:03 am#1756EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Lots of good questions on here, and lots of good answers.
Has been 20+ years for me but have an NPC size 6 terraformed world with 5458MUs on it. At an aggression lvl of 70 I would have to mobolize every pop unit I had to have enough MUs to take a run at them, and still might not be enough. If I wait the 20 turns or so to recruit enough MUs to make a go an do the tech upgrades with the support ship it was my experience in Baxel that instead of just fighting the MUs the world would have built FTRs, Forts and other defences. Other than calling in the Charon Empire is there any way of softening up those MU numbers before I land mine?
o June 3, 2014 at 3:47 am#1759EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
If there are that many MUs, then they are below TL 10, if that is any consolation… Another question to ask, is it really worth the effort to take? It is not as if they were going anywhere. You could trade with them. With that many MUs, it might be worth something.
 June 3, 2014 at 5:55 am#1764EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

They are in a system where I already have a terraformed world so it would not be good if someone else (unfriendly) took them out and used it as a stage to my world. Just a thought. Might be nice if we could do missile strikes against MUs even if they were not as effective as against HMUs.
• June 3, 2014 at 2:15 am#1752EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I have seen it twice in my last turn. TL of PROBE ship is 18, loaded probes from TL 19 planet. Planet status that was identified as ‘inhabited’ were from these probes launched from Probe Ship.
o June 3, 2014 at 2:39 am#1754EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
If I had to guess, it has POPs on it, but not necessarily whether is was terraformed or colonized or not.
o June 3, 2014 at 2:38 am#1753EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
I have not used probe ships, so that may be a separate case.
• June 2, 2014 at 11:29 pm#1731EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

When you get a planet scan that states ‘Inhabited’ under status, I guess one can’t assume the planet is terraformed? Or can they?
o June 5, 2014 at 3:45 am#1801EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

It simply means that it’s inhabited. May be a colony world or just an unterraformed military outpost.
o June 3, 2014 at 12:31 am#1750EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
I do not remember seeing ‘Inhabited’ as a status. Did this come from a ship or a probe? TL of ship or sending planet? I know I have seen planets that have been colonized to have POPs on them.
• June 2, 2014 at 11:56 am#1722EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Thanks guys! That’s very helpful!
Can anyone answer how often an ICB increases their terraforming range when raising tech levels?
Also, when the ICB’s terraforming range increases does this also increase the habitat range for the race? Or does it just allow them to terraform a broader range of planets?
I did have a general question. I was wondering if the game map was pre-generated prior to the game starting, or does the map develop randomly as we explore it? Just curious.
o June 5, 2014 at 3:44 am#1800EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Increase in terraforming and platforming has been changed and there is no longer any increase. We felt the ICB has a significant advantage already just being able to terraform a planet. Nomads too but to a lessor extend.
As for the Galaxy, it is created once before the game starts and does not change.
o June 2, 2014 at 12:57 pm#1724EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
1) In prior games, the first increase was at TL 25. I don’t know if it will happen at same tech level this time. There have been minor changes in what has been available per tech level this game.
2) You know, I never thought about that. Hopefully Randy or Thom will weigh in on that…
3) I believe the game map was generated before the game started.
• June 1, 2014 at 8:46 pm#1719EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Yes, place you colony, colony base, terraformers mc and pc ships all in the same fleet. Move to the planet and colonize, if your terraforming I think you have to wait until the following cycle to terraform mc/pc etc. But, if it’s going to be a colony: colonize, install base and build out your bases, if you have starliners with pop or mu’s in the fleet drop them down as well. You can even trade at the planet before the turn ends if you can manage it correctly.
Trade Fleets: You can have different types of cargo in the fleet, just not on the same ships! If you have a merchant fleet which will hold 500 cargo and it is loaded with terraformed goods at the end of the previous turn, go sell to colony, sell, sell, sell etc to all your colonies, then go buy, buy, buy from all your colonies. Move to a terraformed planet and sell the goods, if it is more goods than your planet will buy move to another terraformed planet and finish the sell. Lastly, BUY from the terraformed planet, it will set you up for the following turn.
If you have special cargo mixed into your merchant fleet just remember: If you have 100 cargo ships with 5 cargo each=500. So if your using 90 ships to carry colony/terraformed goods=450 you only can carry 50 special goods. If you carry 51 then you need another ship, which will reduce your colony goods capacity to 445, you cannot mix cargo on the ships.
• June 1, 2014 at 7:56 pm#1715EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I am new to Takamo so I have more questions.
Can I load a fleet with all the stuff I need to colonize a new world and then just proceed through the steps?
For example, I build my colony ship into Fleet 40. Can I also put my CB Ship in 40 as well? Then just unpack them from fleet 40 in order? Fleet 40 arrives at world X, action code 8 to colonize with fleet 40, then action code 16 to install the colony base with fleet 40. Is this correct? I am trying to minimize actions and if you can unpack fleets this way that helps.
Same question with terraforming. Can I put my terraformer, MC Ship, & PC ship in the same fleet, then use that fleet number to unpack them all onto the new world in order?
Next question is trade. Can the same fleet make a series of buy orders from a string of colonies, picking up it’s maximum in cargo units? I just want to be sure you don’t have to do this with separate trade fleets.
I know each world can only receive 1 buy and 1 sell order per turn, but before I stake my next turn’s income on this method I wanted to check and see if others do it this way. Again, trying to minimize the number of actions used to make my necessary trades.
o June 1, 2014 at 8:08 pm#1716EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Yes, you can have colony ships and colony base ships in the same fleet; or colony, terraforming, mc ship and pc ship in the same fleet and run out the actions as applicable.
Trade fleets: Yes. You just can’t mix colony world cargo with Terrestrial world cargo.
I generally buy from several colony worlds (to fill up fleet), sell at terrestrial world, buy from that terrestrial world, and then sell to different colony worlds. I could do another round, but I generally need the actions to do other things.
• June 1, 2014 at 6:50 pm#1711EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Does anyone have the old formulas to determine maximum buy sell of goods between terraformed and colony worlds?
o June 1, 2014 at 7:10 pm#1714EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
I thought I saw info in the Takamo-Tarkia yahoo group. I know that it is based on things like mining potential and military forces and pops. When a trading fleet goes to a planet to buy or sell, the Imperial or Colonial governor will say how much is available for buy/sale.
• June 1, 2014 at 3:48 pm#1710EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Justifiers Astarte (ICB)
I’m not sure how the AI of NPC’s is set, but some respond back to your actions as Randy mentioned. They will have a wide range of tech levels.
• June 1, 2014 at 5:13 am#1705EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Where can I find the particulars on action code 255 scrap fleet?
o June 5, 2014 at 3:39 am#1798EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Sorry, I’ll put it on the input web page action code list. I didn’t remember it even existed as it was a late addition to the rules in the last game. Basically you use action code 255, Location of one of your planets where you have at least one shipyard, and the fleet number. You will get a scrap fee of about 10% of the cost of the ships you scrap.
o June 1, 2014 at 3:28 pm#1707EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
The only info I have on that is the old info that Thom gave for the old Tarkia galaxy. You get 10% back in RUs, and it frees up a fleet number and ship slots. It was not listed as an active action code in the action code list for the full input page, so I wondered about that myself. Hopefully Thom will weigh in on this…
• June 1, 2014 at 4:25 am#1703EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Randy, it is possible to invade an allies world without cancelling the alliance. It has already happened in the game. The ally can’t have any fleets in orbit, or the invasion will abort.
• June 1, 2014 at 3:59 am#1701EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I have just installed my colony and the colony base ship has just been delivered, bio colonists are glad to have toilet paper, and cybers are receiving spare parts.
Can I build the rest of the colony bases on this turn, or must I wait until the following turn?
o June 1, 2014 at 4:27 am#1704EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Charon, you can land colony, land colony base, and build colony bases all in the same turn.
• June 1, 2014 at 1:49 am#1693EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I’ve been trying to figure out if the npc’s are good for anything other than conquering. Does anyone else have any input on this?
Can you ally with them?
Also, none of them seem to have terraformed worlds. Maybe some do, but I’ve found about a dozen and most of them are unterraformed with a sprinkling of colonies. Even the Ancient Civ I found is unterraformed. Are terraformed NPC’s in the games?
I am hoping they are useful for a few other things but maybe they are just there to be smacked down.
o June 1, 2014 at 3:38 am#1696EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

R. Ritnour
Actually, there are thousands of Terraformed NPC worlds. They are great for merchant trading, particularly the built up, heavily populated worlds. NPCs will also interact with you and respond to your actions. We have a few new abilities for NPCs that we will introduce in TAKAMO as a theoretical test bed for the new game. Diplomats for working with NPC empires are in the works.
 June 1, 2014 at 12:57 pm#1706EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Ok, so there’s just a lot of npc’s that are not advanced enough to have a terraformed world. Good to know there are plenty of terraformed npc’s out there to exploit.
In regards to the terraformed npc’s, do civ abilities that require terraformed worlds, like establishing a trade center, work the same on an npc world as on a player controlled world?
Also when you conquer one of these npc’s what, if anything, happens to the tec level? Say, I conquer a tec level 2 npc planet. Does the tec level stay at 2? Or does it bump up to 10 (which seems to be the default when I colonize a planet)?
 June 1, 2014 at 3:31 pm#1708EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
If it is terraformed, it can have trade center and ag center (and smuggling center too… plug for the free traders)
If you conquer a planet that is below TL 10, it will become TL 10 when it is yours.
o June 1, 2014 at 2:04 am#1694EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Yes there are NPC terraformed worlds, No you can’t ally with them. Sounds like you need an exterminator, send me a private message through PlayByMail.net with the coordinate’s and I’ll take care of your infestations.
• June 1, 2014 at 1:13 am#1685EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

I have a colony and I want to give it to an ally, can he invade and become the new owner, or will we have to cancel alliances first?
o June 1, 2014 at 3:32 pm#1709EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Charon, see my answer below.
o June 1, 2014 at 3:40 am#1697EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

R. Ritnour
You must cancel the alliance before you can invade an allied world.
• May 31, 2014 at 10:59 pm#1682EDIT | CLOSE | UNSTICK | MERGE | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
Submit your questions here. If I can’t answer them, I will find someone who can…
• July 10, 2014 at 7:10 pm#2199EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Not that I’m aware of.
o This reply was modified 1 month ago by . Reason: extra text in box
• July 9, 2014 at 5:52 pm#2176EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

Tregonsee – HMU (Heavy Moderator Unit)
No. They do not have to be all one planet at once. I typically do all of my POP actions, then Tax actions. I trade next, do other stuff like scans and other ship movement, and recruit MUs at the very end of the turn.
• July 9, 2014 at 1:23 pm#2174EDIT | MOVE | SPLIT | TRASH | SPAM | REPLY

The Company
Ok, thanks folks.
Now a turn sheet question. Do I need to do all of planet A’s actions at once then goto my next planet or do I need to do all pop actions then tax actions then buy actions then sell actions then build actions?
o This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by .
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Re: Q&A archived forum posts - up to August 15, 2014

Postby Soelien-Twa » Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:14 am

Additional archive:

August 18, 2014 at 10:44 am #2561



Mobilization – Build Code 264 – Does this have to be done on a terraformed world or can it be done on a colony?

HMUs – Have some HMUs on a colony but don’t want them. How do I get rid of them or am I stuck missile striking my own troops?

August 18, 2014 at 11:37 am #2562



You can mobilize POP on a colony world. As for the HMU’s on a colony world, or any world for that matter, there is no action or build code to remove them yourself, likewise for ABM’s or TORP’s. Guess nobody ever had a reason to do so before.

August 18, 2014 at 12:24 pm #2564



Starting with a number of defended colonies is fine for most players but as a Miner I doubt I will ever trade with them. It’s just not worth the actions. They are a more valuable resource as a terraformed world with MCs, PCs, TCs etc. So to get them terraformed I need to change ownership of them which usually involves an allied ICB or Nomad invading with MUs. Having HMUs on the planet makes that cost prohibitive in actions/resources. Which brings us back to either a “gift world” type action or ICBs/Nomads having the ability to terraform without transferring ownership. Maybe something to factor in come Takamo Universe.
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